Our expertise spans all areas of actuarial and data science work. We have significant technical expertise in:
- traditional personal lines and London Market pricing techniques
- stochastic pricing methods for pricing reinsurance / complex risks or parameterising underwriting risk
- creation of pricing analytics for underwriters and management
- creation of ‘connected’ pricing models whether online or with full database support
- optimisation methods whether for pricing, outwards reinsurance or portfolio re-balancing.
Data science
- tree-based models such as decision forests and gradient boosted models
- neural networks
- kernel based models and support vector machines
- unsupervised learning clustering for management information.
- traditional triangular based reserving models
- exposure based methods where claims experience is unreliable or inappropriate
- technical provision calculation methods and assumptions
- implementation of reserving and technical provision processes in a range of platforms
- stochastic reserving methods including one-year recognition adaptations
- the impacts of IFRS 17.
Risk and Solvency II
- design and implementation of capital model validation
- standard formula calculations and commonly accepted approaches
- Solvency II legislation and Internal Model Application Process (IMAP) requirements
- Lloyd’s and PRA reporting requirements such as Lloyd’s Capital Returns (LCRs) and Quantitative Reporting Templates (QRTs)
- the construction of Solvency II documents, whether policies, frameworks, logs or reports
- effective communication of risk information from capital models or other risk indicators.
Capital modelling
- stochastic and other non-stochastic capital modelling techniques
- implementation of capital models in a range of platforms
- methods used in the market-leading catastrophe models
- methods used by proprietary Economic Scenario Generators (ESGs)
- capital allocation methods
- PPO modelling methods.
This list is not exhaustive, please contact us if you have need of a particular technical skill.